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Presidents Message

As President of the PCC I am pleased to welcome you to the fall edition of the Paramedic Chiefs of Canada eBulletin. In this issue, we highlight some exciting work that is occurring across the country.

The Paramedic Chiefs of Canada (PCC), has been actively participating in a tri-services working group dedicated to mental health in the first responder community. Formed by Public Safety Canada, this committee is comprised of the Executive Directors and Presidents of the PCC, the Paramedic Association of Canada, the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs, and the Canadian Association Chiefs of Police dedicated to mental health and PTSD.

The intent of this committee, in collaboration with Public Safety Canada is to draft an action plan to support our Paramedics experiencing mental health issues and post-traumatic stress disorder.

This action plan is based on;

  • Data
  • Research
  • Education/Care
  • Workforce Integration
  • Continuous Support
  • Prevention

We know there is no all-encompassing off-the-shelf solution for prevention or mitigation of operational stress injuries. We are committed to working with Public Safety Canada and key stakeholders to ensure all first responders get the help they need in times of distress. The Paramedic Chiefs of Canada are pleased to have the opportunity to participate in this important discussion and look forward to updating you as this dialogue continues.

In early October, a report was released from the House Committee on Public Safety and National Security. This report was the result of tri-services presentations made to the House of Commons. Chief Paul Charbonneau of Frontenac County and I had the opportunity to present on behalf of the Paramedic Chiefs. In its report the Committee recognizes, as did all of its witnesses, the unique nature of the work performed by public safety officers and first responders and their experience with PTSD.

A copy of the report can be found here.


Public Safety Broadband Network (PSBN)

As you are likely aware, 20 mhz of the spectrum has been identified for public safety broadband use. The Paramedic Chiefs of Canada have secured a seat at the table discussing the future and governance of the Public Safety Broadband Network. This is a rare opportunity for public safety stakeholders, a transformational, national capability. The intent is to develop a roadmap of the public safety broadband network.

There are currently three models being explored;

  1. Federally governed and controlled
  2. Public/Private Partnership
  3. Commercially controlled

Public Safety Canada and Defence Research Development Canada through the Centre of Security Science will be reviewing each of these service delivery models with all stakeholders. The Paramedic Chiefs of Canada has been fortunate to have Chief Doug Socha of Hastings Quinte EMS to be our representative on this committee. Chief Socha is dedicated to ensuring the Paramedic profession is well represented in all discussions at the table

The Paramedic Chiefs of Canada will host our fall business meeting in Ottawa November 21st and 22nd. We look forward to meeting with key stakeholders from the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC), the Centre for Security Science (CSS) and key government officials. We will continue to focus on our strategic plan in this meeting, and look forward to updating you post-meeting via our quarterly President’s video messaging.

In closing, I would like to thank all our sponsors; Ferno, Zoll, Physio-Control, Crestline, Demers, Interdev and Philips. Your generous support allows us to participate in nation-wide activities that support the advancement and alignment of Paramedic leadership in Canada.

Randy Mellow, President

Fall 2016

Paramedic Ride 2016Click here to view the entire photo album located on Facebook


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Paramedic Chiefs of Canada201-4 Florence Street Ottawa, ON K2P 0W71-403-463-1210

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